Security wastepaper basket, "Polaris", blackmade of flame retardant safety plastic, 14.90 € pc. (excl. VAT) Price incl. VAT: 17.731 € / pc. Packing unit: 1 14.90 € per PU, excl. VAT Soon available again Date of delivery: KW 40 Please note our packaging unit when ordering! Your value will be corrected automatically if necessary.
Paper inserts for POLARISSafety wastebasket, 165mm 0.038 € pc. (excl. VAT) Price incl. VAT: 0.045 € / pc. Packing unit: 250 9.50 € per PU, excl. VAT In stock Please note our packaging unit when ordering! Your value will be corrected automatically if necessary.
Paper inserts for 13 LSafety wastebasket, 210mm 0.038 € pc. (excl. VAT) Price incl. VAT: 0.045 € / pc. Packing unit: 250 9.50 € per PU, excl. VAT In stock Please note our packaging unit when ordering! Your value will be corrected automatically if necessary.
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